The Advancement of Technology



Member Since: May 7, 2021     


Today, our world is enhanced by the advancement of technology that is why Ciphr believes that privacy is important. We share our information and messages online, and without a reliable end to end encryption app to protect our data, we might be in danger.

Turning off your location services and downloading encrypted applications that keep your messages safe and protected are just a few ways to protect yourself. At Ciphr, they are dedicated to creating collaboration apps that are easy to use and don't have any secret data monetization agenda.

Your email data is kept private for you and your contacts which simply means that only you and the intended recipients of your messages can read what you write. No one in between, including third parties such as law enforcement or other apps, may read your messages if they are end-to-end encrypted.

If you are interested in Ciphr, check out their site now.


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